Gender equality in the workplace index


Law 2018-771 of 5 September 2018, known as the “Professional future”has strengthened the obligations of women in the field of professional equality through the obligation to measure and correct gender pay gaps. Since then, companies have had to publish their gender equality index every year, based on 5 indicators.

SERMA INGENIERIE obtained a score of 89/100 for 2023. This score is broken down as follows:

  • Gender pay gap: 39/40
  • Difference in the rate of increases between women and men: 20/20
  • Difference in promotion rates between women and men: 15/15
  • Percentage of female employees receiving a pay rise in the year following their return from maternity leave: 15/15
  • Number of employees of the under-represented sex in the 10 highest paid: 0/10

This score is further proof of our commitment to ensuring gender equality in our company at every level.


SERMA Ingénierie, Finalist at the Airbus Helicopters Supplier Awards: A great recognition of our expertise in competitive collaboration

SERMA Ingénierie and KN Systèmes merge


Gender equality in the workplace index